Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Lacquer Thinner
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Concentrated: No
*Noncorrosive: Yes
*Solvent Type: Denatured Alcohol
*Packaging Type: Can
*VOC Level: 600 g/L
*Flammable: Yes
*Product Form: Liquid
*Usage: Thinning of Lacquer and Epoxy
*South Coast compliant alternative Ace No: 1474394 and CARB compliant alternative Ace No: 14734394
*For all high grade lacquers
* Do not use with acrylic lacquers, automotive lacquers, varnishes, shellac, polyurethanes or paints
* Parts cleaner and degreaser
* Replaces Ace no. 12784
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Lacquer Thinner
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*VOC Level: 24 g/L
*Concentrated: No
*Product Form: Liquid
*Packaging Type: Can
*Noncorrosive: Yes
*Flammable: Yes
*Solvent Type: Acetone
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Lacquer Thinner
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Flammable: Yes
*VOC Level: 600 g/L
*Packaging Type: Can
*Concentrated: No
*Odor Level: No
*Solvent Type: Methyl Ethyl Ketone
*Usage: Thinning and Cleaning Lacquer and Expoxy Coating
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Noncorrosive: Yes
*Product Form: Liquid
*CARB/Utah Replacement Ace No. 1474279
*South Coast compliant alternative Ace No: 1474279 and CARB compliant alternative Ace No: 1474279
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Lacquer Thinner
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Solvent Type: Acetone
*Flammable: Yes
*Noncorrosive: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Packaging Type: Can
*Product Form: Liquid
*VOC Level: 24 g/L
*Concentrated: No
*For California
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Sub Brand: Methyl Ehtyl Ketone M.E.K.
*Product Type: Paint Remover
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*VOC Level: 825 g/L
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Flammable: Yes
*Product Form: Liquid
*Packaging Type: Can
*Odor Level: No
*Use for dried latex paint, lacquer and adhesive cleanup
* Can also be used t o thin specific coatings, i ncluding adhesives, inks, p olyester and epoxy resins
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Methyl Ethyl Ketone Substitute
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*Flammable: Yes
*Concentrated: No
*VOC Level: 899 g/L
*Dispenser Type: Can
*Usage: Thinner for synthetic resins and coatings
*Packaging Type: Can
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Product Form: Liquid
*Application: Thinner for synthetic resins and coatings
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Solvent Type: Methyl Ethyl Ketone
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Methyl Ethyl Ketone Substitute
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Packaging Type: Can
*VOC Level: 899 g/L
*Dispenser Type: Can
*Product Form: Liquid
*Flammable: Yes
*Restricted in SCADQMD- Use Ace No. 1432897.
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Methyl Ethyl Ketone Substitute
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Product Form: Liquid
*Packaging Type: Can
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*VOC Level: 899 g/L
*Flammable: Yes
*Restricted in SCAQMD -use Ace No. 1432863
Brand Name: Crown
*Sub Brand: Methyl Ethyl Ketone
*Product Type: Paint Thinner
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*Solvent Type: Methyl Ethyl Ketone
*Flammable: Yes
*Product Form: Liquid
*Concentrated: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Packaging Type: Can
*Odor Level: No
*Usage: Thinning and Cleaning Fiberglass Resins, Epoxies,
*VOC Level: 805 g/L
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Odorless Mineral Spirits
*Container Size: 128 oz.
*VOC Level: 780 g/L
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Concentrated: No
*Flammable: No
*Product Form: Liquid
*Packaging Type: Jug
*Solvent Type: White Spirits
*Usage: Thinning Oil-Based Paint, Stain and Varnish
*Odor Level: No Odor
*CARB/Utah replacement Ace No. 1563139
* CARB compliant alternative Ace No: 1432988
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Mineral Spirits
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Flammable: No
*VOC Level: 0 g/L
*Product Form: Liquid
*Packaging Type: Can
*Solvent Type: White Spirits
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Concentrated: No
*Odor Level: No Odor
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Mineral Spirits
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Odor Level: No Odor
*Packaging Type: Jug
*Flammable: No
*VOC Level: 0 g/L
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Product Form: Liquid
*Concentrated: No
*Solvent Type: White Spirits
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Odorless Mineral Spirits
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Usage: Removing and Dissolving Grease, Grime and Oil
*Odor Level: Low Odor
*Flammable: Yes
*Solvent Type: White Spirits
*Product Form: Liquid
*Packaging Type: Can
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Concentrated: No
*VOC Level: 780 g/L
*CARB/Utah replacement Ace No. 1432954
*CARB compliant alternative Ace No: 1432954
Less Flammable Paint Thinner 1 Qt Plastic
*Product Type: Paint Thinner
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Flammable: No
*Usage: Thinning Oil-Based Paint, Stain and Varnish
*VOC Level: 24 g/L
*Concentrated: No
*Odor Level: No Odor
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Packaging Type: Bottle
*Product Form: Liquid
*New SCAQMD Item
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Paint Thinner
*Container Size: 128 oz.
*Usage: Thinning Oil-Based Paint, Stain and Varnish
*Concentrated: No
*Noncorrosive: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Packaging Type: Jug
*Solvent Type: White Spirits
*Application: Thins oil-based paint
*Odor Level: No
*Product Form: Liquid
*VOC Level: 778 g/L
*Flammable: Yes
*South Coast compliant alternative Ace No: 1562996 or 1562982 and CARB compliant alternative Ace No: 1474428
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Paint Thinner
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Usage: Thinning Oil-Based Paint, Stain, and Varnish
*Application: Thinning oil- based paint, Thinning oil- based paint
*Product Form: Liquid
*Concentrated: No
*Packaging Type: Can
*Noncorrosive: Yes
*VOC Level: 2.88 g/L
*Flammable: No
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Paint Thinner
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*VOC Level: 778 g/L
*Concentrated: No
*Application: Removes and dissolves grease, Removes and dissolves grease
*Product Form: Liquid
*Packaging Type: Can
*Odor Level: No Odor
*Noncorrosive: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Flammable: Yes
*South Coast compliant alternative Ace No: 1562990
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Paint Thinner
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*Odor Level: No
*Concentrated: No
*Product Form: Liquid
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*VOC Level: 778 g/L
*Usage: Thinning Oil-Based Paint, Stain, and Varnish
*Noncorrosive: Yes
*Flammable: Yes
*Solvent Type: Mineral Spirits
*Packaging Type: Can
*South Coast compliant alternative Ace No: 1563113 and CARB compliant alternative Ace No: 1434117
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Paint Thinner
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Usage: Thinning Oil-Based Paint, Stain, and Varnish
*Odor Level: No
*Solvent Type: Mineral Spirits
*Product Form: Liquid
*Concentrated: No
*Packaging Type: Can
*VOC Level: 2.88 g/L
*Flammable: No
*Noncorrosive: Yes
Klean Strip Paint Thinner 1 PT
*Product Type: Paint Thinner
*Container Size: 1 pt.
*Packaging Type: Can
*Concentrated: No
*Solvent Type: Mineral Spirits
*Flammable: Yes
*Product Form: Liquid
*Made with real mineral spirits
*Excellent for oil based paint, stain and varnish
*Can also be used to clean up oil-based paint splatters, overspray, brushes, tools and equipment
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Paint Thinner
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Concentrated: No
*Odor Level: No
*Flammable: Yes
*Packaging Type: Can
*Usage: Thinning Oil-Based Paint, Stain and Varnish
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Solvent Type: White Spirits
*VOC Level: 778 g/L
*Product Form: Liquid
*CARB compliant alternative Ace No: 1433010
Paint Thinner 1 Gal Metal
*Product Type: Paint Thinner
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Solvent Type: Acetone
*Concentrated: No
*VOC Level: 24 g/L
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Product Form: Liquid
*Usage: Thinning Oil-Based Paint, Stains and Varnish
*Flammable: Yes
*Packaging Type: Can
*Odor Level: No
*New SCAQMD Item
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Paint Thinner
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Flammable: Yes
*Noncorrosive: Yes
*Concentrated: No
*Packaging Type: Jug
*VOC Level: 788 g/L
*Application: Excellent for thinning oil- based paints, Excellent for thinning oil- based paints
*Product Form: Liquid
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Product Type: Paint Thinner
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Concentrated: No
*Usage: Thinning Oil-Based Paint, Stain and Varnish
*Noncorrosive: Yes
*Packaging Type: Can
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Flammable: Yes
*VOC Level: 778 g/L
*Product Form: Liquid
*Solvent Type: White Spirits
*Odor Level: No
*South Coast compliant alternative Ace No: 1562982 and CARB compliant alternative Ace No: 1433044
Klean Strip Painters Solvent Low Odor Low
*Product Type: Solvent
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Usage: Cleaning Tools and Equipment
*Solvent Type: Acetone
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Flammable: Yes
*VOC Level: 24.17 g/L
*Concentrated: No
*Packaging Type: Can
*Odor Level: No
*Product Form: Liquid
*Klean Strip Painter's Solvent is a premium, highly refined solvent formula that replaces Mek, Toluene, Xylene and VM&P Naptha for most applications. Excellent for cleaning tool and equipment after a painting project